CEO Speech

CEO Speech

Today, in the third millennium, organizations in the field of competition have succeeded in monitoring rapidly changing environments and enjoying transient opportunities faster than others. We have always believed that science, experience and expertise should have the ability to serve other people. Hence, from the very beginning, by designing development strategies and creating a comprehensive quality basket for the lack of the need to import plastic materials, as well as solving the problems of the industry with regard to the advanced engineer components, with a team of expert, dynamic and sympathetic team, conditions We have created, in the name of exaggerations and slogans, the satisfaction and satisfaction of our customers, who are the true partners and the constant companions of our successes.
Another of our main goals in the company of Nadis Kimya Companies is to create the appropriate organizational and cultural infrastructure to create an agile organization that meets world standards and benefits from new knowledge and technologies. Hence, we are very hopeful that in the coming years, along with you, we will move consciously and boldly into the path of development and show the story of our successes from the language of our loyal customers in the season.

We have made love in our lives
We have brought seven gems
Seven of the seven legs of seven hands
Let's go to the drunken field again


Contact Us

GSM: +90 536 422 52 48


About Us

Nadis Kimya

Nadis Company was established in 2022 with the aim of establishing a suitable chain to support the industry and apply the knowledge and experience of its founders along with respectable customers. The main goals of the company are three areas of production of polymer mixtures, trade in various types of raw materials and advanced polymer mixtures, and consulting in the field of manufacturing and engineering. Now, with long-term knowledge and long-term experience in the field of production and support and effective communication with high-power and multinational collections in other countries, the company offers the best opportunity for its customers to supply raw materials and advanced polymer mixtures, Import of raw materials and consultancy in the field of machinery related to this industry cooperate with the maximum satisfaction with this set.